Marriage Minute – December 2023 – Keep Your Eyes on the Prize…

Adrian Marsh

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize…

Paul tells us in Philippians 3:14 to press towards the mark in order to receive the prize of Christ’s high calling. He tells us in 1 Corinthians 9:24 to run in such a way to win the prize.

Years of research data show that those who work through marriage issues end up being much happier than those who don’t. The prize is a marriage that ends up being one that is solid as a rock, that has a bright future, and is pleasing to God.

Here are a few things to consider as we run the race of marriage in order to win the prize of honoring God and the institution of marriage: 

• Guard your attitudes and actions

(if you can do this at work to keep a job, then you are capable of doing it at home to keep your spouse)

• Avoid relationships at work or outside of the marriage that could bring doubt to your spouse

(It is easy for this to take place when you spend more time with a co-worker or someone else each day)

• Realize divorce will not lead to personal happiness

• Understand that marital difficulty is caused by the marriage partners, not by someone outside the marriage.

• Do not date during a separation period.

(If you ever get to that point, this time should be used to work on yourself and the marriage if at all possible)

• Move slowly in completing any legal separation papers.

(Take time to work on your personal issues and then move on to restoring your marital vows to each other)

God forbid you ever come to a point in your marriage when you think divorce is the only way to keep your sanity. The word divorce should be removed from your vocabulary at all costs, and the glory of God should be your only goal when it comes to living out His institution of marriage here on earth…