Praying for our Colleges – Southeastern & Welch | Marriage Minute |
Favorite Team Day | September Memory Verses |
Workday 9/23 (DATE CHANGE) – Weather Permitting! | Offering Update |
Seven Generation Impact | Revelation: The Return of the King! |
Praying for our Colleges – Southeastern & Welch
Seven Generation Impact – Edward Kimball to Billy Graham
It was another day in Chicago. A Sunday School teacher, Edward Kimball was burdened for one of the boys in his class.
The boy’s name was D.L. Moody. Dwight, a student, worked at a shoe store. Edward’s burden for Dwight was from God, and on this day, Edward felt God telling him to go to the shoe store and talk with Dwight about Jesus.
Edward obeyed God and went to the shore store. Dwight was working in the back room. Edward went to the back room and shared with Dwight about God’s plan of salvation. In the back of the store, Dwight bowed his head and asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior. He arose a changed person. God had big plans for that young man. He became a pastor and evangelist, winning over 1 million people to Christ.
Here’s where things get interesting.
God took the seed that a faithful Sunday School teacher planted and multiplied it millions of times over.
Click here to see 7 Generation Impact (

This Sunday, we continue our Sermon Series on the book of Revelation – Click here for the previous sermons.

Check out this
September Marriage Minute from Adrian and Lisa Marsh
Weekly Budget Need – $3,140
General Fund Received – $1,713
Last Week Under Budget – $-1,426
2023 Yearly Under Budget – $-12,013
2023 Missions Giving (June) $10,362