Revive – Heart of Worship

October 8, 2017

Bible Text: John 4 |


  1. Worship comes from a transformed heart. “Spirit”

Cannot please God unti I am right with God.

  1. Worship comes from an attentive heart.
  2. Worship comes from the truth.

The Seven Prescribed Elements of Corporate Worship

  1. Sing the Scripture (Eph. 5:18-19).
  2. Pray the Scripture (1 Tim. 2:17).
  3. Give to see scriptural worship supported and extended (1 Cor. 16:1-4; 2 Cor. 8-9).
  4. Read the Scripture (1 Tim. 4:13).
  5. Teach the Scripture (1 Tim. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4:1-5).
  6. See Scripture acted out in baptism (Mt. 28-19-20).
  7. See Scripture acted out in the Lord’s Table (1 Cor. 11:23-32).


  1. Acceptable worship is a matter of the heart, not merely external.
  2. Acceptable worship is wholehearted, not halfhearted.
  3. Acceptable worship is active, not passive.

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