Here is Your Sign!

August 26, 2018 ()

Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 1:17–25 |


Here is Your Sign!

1 Corinthians 1:17–25


We have been called to be holy

Saved from Sin to to Holines. (walk and act Holy – live right and pleasing to God)

Every church should have a zero tolerance attitude towards those that cause division.


Wordly View on Preaching

Paul – Feed me crowd. Learn and not do

Apollos – motivate me crowd – emotions / feelings

Peter – thrill me crowd – excitement / never know what is next

Christ – Look at me crowd – We met Jesus *

Too often we focus on the style of preaching and worship services versus the substance of preaching

Real preaching is the faithful declaration of the Word of God in the power of God. It magnifies Christ and His finished work on Calvary.


Worldly View of Wisdom

Don’t need a savior

You really aren’t a sinner / No such thing as Sin.

Be a Christian but not experience life change.

All that really matters is to be sincere, spiritual, nice, American, good neighbor.

All religions are right.

All religions are wrong.

God knows your heart.

Don’t have to go to church.

All religions lead to heaven.

A loving God would never send anyone to Hell.


Word View on Wisdom and Preaching

The message of the cross is the primary mission of the believer. (vs. 17)

The message of the cross does not need our help. (vs. 17)

The message of the cross is the power of God (vs. 18)

The message of the cross destroys the wisdom of men and make foolish the wisdom of this world.

The message of the cross is the wisdom and power of God to those that are believing. (vs. 21)

The message off the cross answers man’s search for God (vss. 22-24)

The message of the cross says that God’s ways are wiser and stronger than man’s ways (vs. 25)


Greatest thought I ever had. “I am a great sinner and the second is I need a great Savior.”

* Idea from David Jeremiah


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