God Speaks – Why You Should Pay Attention to the Bible

August 21, 2016 ()

Bible Text: Hebrews 2:1-3 |


    God Speaks – Why You Should Pay Attention to the Bible

    God is Serious about what He says

    1. Has God Spoken?

    Remarkable Interest in Supernatural

    • TV Shows
    • Movies
    • Demon Possession/Exorcisms Accounts All Time High

    2. God Has Spoken By

    • Servants
    • Son
    • Scriptures

    3. God Has Spoken About

    1. Jesus

    2. Judgement

    3. Salvation

    4. God Has Spoken With

    1. Signs

    2. Wonders

    3. Miracles

    4. Authority

    5. God Has Spoken

    The Law (Angels)

    Deuteronomy 33:2 and Psalms 68:17

    Exodus 20:1-16

    6. Why Has God Spoken?

    So we would not miss "great Salvation"

    Every transgression and act of disobedience The Greek terms used here describe sinful disregard for God’s law: one of the terms, parabasis, expresses deviation from a boundary; the other term, parakoē, describes refusal to obey.

    Our sin will be punished by God or God has been punished for our sin.

    7. Why Listen? (MacArthur NT Commentary)

    • The character of Christ
    • Certainty of Judgement
    • Confirmation of God

    8. How Should I Respond?

    • Do Spiritual Examination
    • Read to Obey and Understand
    • Treat Bible and Message with Reverence

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