Dealing with People as a New Person | Ephesians 4:31-32

July 3, 2022 ()

Bible Text: Ephesians 4:31-32 |


Walk Worthily - Dealing with People as a New Person

Ephesians 4:31-32

  1. Grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30)
  2. Quenching the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19)
  3. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
  4. Lying to the Holy Spirit

1. Six Normal, Wrong Natural Responses (vs.31)

“Bitterness” reflects a smoldering resentment.

“Wrath” has to do with rage, the passion of a moment.

“Anger” is a more internal, deep hostility.

“Clamor” is the outcry of strife out of control.

“Evil speaking” is slander.

“Malice” is the general term for evil, the root of all vices

2. Three Right Supernatural Responses

Kind - unconditional goodness

Tenderhearted - compassionate/empathetic

Forgiving ?

What Does it Mean to Forgive? Matthew 18:21–35

  1. I will not hold it against you
  2. I will not bring it up again
  3. I have asked the Lord for grace in my heart to not be bitter toward you.

Forgiveness is not restoration/reconciliation.

It has little to do with the relationship of the other person and everything to do with our relationship with God.

Do I have to Forgive?


As long as what the person did to you is greater than your sins against God.

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