Big Stuff & New Things during Wednesdays in the Word This Summer!
Invite your friends Tell Your Neighbors!
6:30 Live and In The Word – Facebook and Youtube – www.hardinvalleychurch.com/live
7 -8 PM – Hands-on with our Young People. Fun, Games, Food, and time in the Scriptures.
Wear your Hardin Valley Shirts, Fun prizes for bringing your Bible, and a friend too!
To be made in the image of God means that he created us with infinite value, dignity, and worth. It means we are his reflections on the earth! He made us to represent him, to display his character, and to fill the earth with his glory; he created us to be imitators of him. But here’s the important part: being made in the image of God is not something we do or earn or even have to work at. It is simply what God has declared to be best.\
The problem is that the fall happened, and sin entered the world and distorted the image he created us to bear. Sin, to be clear, is not just something we do or don’t do; it’s a total rejection of God’s authority in our lives. Because of that rejection, we cannot live as imitators of God the way he created us to. Praise God, though, that he didn’t leave us like that! In Christ, the image of God that was distorted by the fall is being restored, and with it, our ability to live our purpose is as well. That’s what Paul is talking about in Colossians 3:10 when he says that in Christ, we have “put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its creator.”
~ Elizabeth Garn
Click here to see highlights of last week’s Memorial Day Cookout!
Click on the image below to download screen savers for our June Memory Verses.

General Fund Received – $1,990
Weekly Under Budget – $-710
Yearly Over Budget – $6,201